domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

7th Form - Literature (Semana del 18/5)

Hello kids! I hope you are ok all good! Here are the activities for this week:
We´ll become writers now! You have to focus on the ending of the story in the book. Also, watch these two movie scenes of alternative endings: one happy, the other sad.
Click HERE
Click HERE
Now, you are ready to RE-WRITE THE ENDING AND CONTINUE IT. This is the last activity in the booklet (“Final Task”).  Write AT LEAST 5 COMPLETE LINES. Then, send it to me for correction. If you can, do it IN WORD because it´s better for me to correct and send the correction to you.
This is the e-mail: 
It´s time to be creative!!! Hands on!!
Love, Miss Natalia

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