domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

7th Form - Literature (Semana 27/5)

Hello children!

This week we continue working with the activity I sent last week. (Todavía hay bastantes que tienen que enviarla)

Next week, we are starting with the platform Google Classroom , so this is the last week to send this activity via mail. Here´s is the activity again:


We´ll become writers now! You have to focus on the ending of the story in the book. Also, watch these two movie scenes of alternative endings: one happy, the other sad.

Click HERE 

Click HERE 

Now, you are ready to RE-WRITE THE ENDING AND CONTINUE IT. This is the last activity in the booklet (“Final Task”).  Write AT LEAST 5 COMPLETE LINES. Then, send it to me for correction. If you can, do it IN WORD because it´s better for me to correct and send the correction to you.

This is the e-mail: 

It´s time to be creative!!! Hands on!! “

 Note: La próxima semana comenzaremos a utilizar la plataforma Google Classroom, con lo cual sería ideal si pueden enviar esta actividad en el transcurso de esta semana al mail, así la próxima semana comenzamos con nuevas actividades allí. Thanks a lot!!

Miss Natalia

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