domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

7th Form - Literature (Semanas del 27/4 & 4/5)

Hi children! Here are your activities for this week…but first, a short message from your Literature teacher! Para descubrirlo, sólo deben ingresar al drive del grado!

Now, let's get to work!

1) A survey at home: it has long been debated if Robin Hood was a good or bad person or both. Now that we are all at home, it´s a good opportunity to ask 2/3 people in your family (at home or via whatsapp):  Is Robin Hood a goodie or a baddie? Write the answers in the booklet, on page 8 (at the top). REMEMBER TO A ASK “WHY?” TO YOUR INTERVIEWEES”

2) Read the last chapters of the story (from chapters 13 to 16)

3) Do exercise 10 in the booklet.

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