viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

Literature Corner - 7th form!

 Hi children! 
Here is the link to the movie scene you have to watch for activity C, Part 2 of the Special Assignament. 
See you next class, 
Miss Natalia
(If you can't see the video, click here and a YouTube window will open)

Literature Corner - 4th form! Castles!

Hi children! 
Here are the two videos about castles in Scotland. Watch them and do the activity on page 6 from out booklet. 
Enjoy and learn! 
Miss Natalia

(If you can't see the video, click here to open a YouTube window)

(If you can't see the video, click here to open a YouTube window)

Hi 3rd form!

Hello kids! Let’s practise some vocabulary matching the words and pictures. Let's do it!

Let’s keep on practicing! If you clik here, you will find many activities you can do to practise the vocabulary and the grammar

Hello 2nd form!

Hello kids! Let’s practise the parts of the body with the following activity. Match the pictures with the words. Good luck!

Let’s have fun playing with the game below! Throw the dice and answer the questions! Let's play!

Practise “has got” and parts of the face. Click here!

And remember:

Let's work 1st form!

Hello kids! Let’s create our own monster using the parts of the body that we know! Click here!

Let’s sing and dance with this great song!

(If you can't see the video, click here and a YouTube window will open)

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

7th form practice

Hello children,
Let's keep on working with the Present Perfect Simple in the following links


6th form - Past Simple or Past Continuous

Hello students!

Click here  and learn more about the differences between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous

Now, put into practise what you have learnt in the following link.

5th forms - Past time!

Hi students!

Play the game in here and practise the irregular form of the verbs in the past. Good luck!

Now, practise the Simple Past but this time in a well known story: "Goldilocks and the three bears"

4th forms - Time and Professions

Hello 4th forms!
Practise telling the time with game. Stop the clock at the correct time! Let’s have fun!

Play the game in the link below and practise the different jobs and professions!

Morre professions here!

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

7th forms!

Hello students!

Read about quantifiers in English in this link

Practise the use of the different quantifiers in the following link

Hi 6th forms!

Hello students!
Do the quiz and practise the past continuous form of the verbs.Click here

Continue practising here the past continuous form and complete the sentences

Hi 5th form!

Hi there!
Read the rules of the verb to be in the past in the following link.

Let’s keep on practising the past form of the verb to be. Click here

Hello 4th form!

Hi children!
Follow the link and complete the sentences using the Present Simple.

Complete the pictures with the correct words and practise daily routines vocabulary. Click here

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016

Young Learners, PIE

Hello children!
We are back to school, are you ready to play some games?
Look at this video:

(if you can't see it, click here and a YouTube window will open)

Look at these online exercises.

You can play 3 online games here (memotest/timeclick/shoot out!)

Tell your parents to print these cool worksheets to pracrise:

See you soon!

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2016

7th form, back to studying!

Hello there!
Practice present-perfect vs. past tenses using this online game.

Spin thewheel and practise the Past Simple and the Present Perfect forms by answering the questions the arrow drops you on.


6th form! Past continuous

Hi there students!
Put the sentences in order to practise the Past Continuous form of the verbs. Drag the words putting them in order. Click here

Click the link below and read the rules to form the Past Continuous, at the bottom of the page, there are several exercises you can do to practise. Click here!

5th form practice

Hello students!
Play this game to practice using the verb 'to be' in the past tense form  (was/were). You can play this game in three different versions - The Space Rider version, Pirate and Crocodile versions.

The bees need flowers to make honey. Help them find flowers by choosing the correct verb to complete the sentences.


4th form! Present Simple

Hey children!

Play basketball using the simple form of the verbs. Click here Good luck!


Literature Corner - 5th form

Hey children!

People think ghosts are scary but something different happens here! Watch the video about the Canterville ghost and the Otis family meeting for the first time

Watch this video!